

Addiction-a well known,simple but complex.It seems controversial that something can be simple or complex.ya right..But addiction is simple in meaning but complex in understanding.One does not know and he gets addicted to something.Now in simple terms addiction is being habitual to something in negative sense.


It amazes me that even a mature person of 30 to 40 gets addicted.There is no restriction of age for this curse.

Considering its types it’s very difficult to sum up all types of this demon.A worst addiction is that of drugs,and that is spreading widely these days .in this,even sometimes one accidently tastes or smells a drug and get addicted to it.

Someother TYPES are stealing,gambling,smuggling,black mailing(that somehow may be looks odd but true) and many more.One discipline that is being diversified these days is smart technology addiction and mostly the  young generation is the main   victom of this one.In my opinion this is a demon, terrifying because now people have no time for communicating and interacting with even their own parents,siblings,relatives and the root cause is mobile,internet addiction.


Sometimes it may happen that a person fall prey to addiction by chance.But, It’s not always by chance to get addicted ,sometimes many factors plays a vital role towards the addiction.It may be worse domestic conditions,family or business flaws,some disorder or hopelessness.

Addicted people not only harms themselves but harms the society as a whole .if we talk about the drug addiction,people dont like even to talk to a drug victom,there is no social value for him.Mostly if one person get addicted to a curse he will definitely give other people a demo to do that and earn stisfaction but that's definitely wrong.

As it is said for success that it’s not a piece of cake to climb up a mountain of success but as simple as abc it is to slip from it but the case is totally opposite for addiction.A man easly fall prey to some addiction but it’s very very difficult to get rid of it(not impossible of course)..But as NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD so if a man himself wants to freed himself from addiction he can do it .Society should help him in getting rid of demon as he needs a moral sport.He will definitely throw that addiction out of his mind and then the time and tide will be in his hands and he may shake the world with his recovering powers !!!!!!!!!!!


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